Common Neck Items
Item | Description | Magical Function |
Amulet of Minor Protection | A simple amulet offering minor magical protection. | +1 AC |
Necklace of Healing Waters | A necklace that holds a small vial of enchanted water. | Heals 1d4 HP once per day |
Uncommon Neck Items
Item | Description | Magical Function |
Amulet of the Owl | An amulet crafted with an owl motif, enhancing perception. | Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks |
Necklace of Fire Resistance | A necklace with a ruby pendant that glows warmly. | Resistance to fire damage |
Rare Neck Items
Item | Description | Magical Function |
Amulet of the Eagle | An amulet that enhances agility and reflexes. | +2 Dexterity |
Necklace of Spell Storing | A necklace that can store spells for later use. | Store and cast spells up to level 3 |
Epic Neck Items
Item | Description | Magical Function |
Amulet of the Phoenix | A fiery amulet that grants life-saving abilities. | Revives the wearer once upon death with 1d10 HP |
Necklace of Mind Shielding | A necklace that protects the mind from external influence. | Immunity to mind control effects |
Legendary Neck Items
Item | Description | Magical Function |
Amulet of the Dragon Lord | An ancient amulet imbued with the power of dragons. | Grants dragon-like abilities and immunity to dragon breath |
Necklace of Divine Protection | A necklace blessed by the gods, offering ultimate protection. | +5 AC, immunity to all non-magical damage |